miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016


Shake up Christmas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-8VCL4uSUc

Shake up the happiness
Wake up the happiness
Shake up the happiness
It's Christmas time
1) Choose the right words.
There was an  allegory / a  story that I was told
And I want to tell the world before I get too bold / old
And don't remember / dismember  it, so let's December it / eat
And reassemble it, oh yeah

2) Complete with words.
Once upon a time in a ________________ like this
A little _____________ made a great big wish
To fill the world full of _______________
And be on Santa's magic _______________
3) Sing the chorus
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
( x 2)

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho,
It's Christmas time

4) Match the sentences.
At the same town
A little boy made
That the world would
And Santa Clause would
hear him say
a wish that day
miles away
be ok

5) Order the lines
a) Can you send some happiness with my best
b ) I got dreams and I got love
c) To the rest of the people of east and the west
d) I got my feet on the ground and family above

6) Unscramble the letters in bold.
And eaymb every once in a while __________________
You give my grandma a sonera to smile _____________
'Tis the ssonea to smile _____________
It's cold but we'll be freezing in teyls _______________
7) Complete the stanza with these verbs:
run / let / open / meet
And let me ____________ a girl one day
That wants to spread some love this way
We can __________ our souls __________ free
And she can __________ some happiness with me


8) Find the mistake in this stanza:
I know you're out there
I hear your reindeer
I see the snow wear
Your boots have been

9) Write a synonym for the following words and complete:
1. exhibit: s _____________
2. be aware of: k______________
3. increase: g____________
4. have faith: b__________________
I'm gonna _____________ them
So they will ______________ then
Then love will _____________ in
They _________________ again

10) Find a word in the text for the following definitions:
1) _____________  to put back together.
2) ______________ something you want or desire.
3) ______________ units of distance on land in English-speaking countries: 1 unit equals to 5280 feet or 1.609 kilometers
4) _______________ to (cause to) be distributed over an area of space or time