2) Heatwave in Seville
3) Hurricane in Florida
4) Fire in Lugo, Galicia
5) Eunice storm in Holland
8) Hurricane in Florida
1) What types of newspapers are there?
2) Which type of newspapers usually uses humour to attrack readers' attention?
3) Order the parts in a news report:
summary / lead paragraph / headline/ body / by-line
Activities on Newspapers: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z2gk9qt#z2xxfdm
Choose one of the plants or herbs from the list below and write a fact file as in the example:
Brief description:
Indoor / outdoor:
Where found:
Care instructions:
Benefits for humans:
Benefits for the environment:
Include a picture or photo. Remember to present your fact file correctly (use margins, clear handwriting...)