lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024


1) Brainstorm ideas about social media

2) In your notebook, write at least ten questions about social media

3) Copy your questions in Google Forms: 

  • Go to Google Form: Sign in
  • Write a title for your Form
  • Write a brife description about the content of the Form
  • Copy the questions with the appropiate options
  • Send the Form to your teacher (Create an URL and send it) example 
4) Write a summary of your survey questions and results on a sheet / A4 sheet
ex: 60% of the students said that... / Most of the students answered that ...


miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2024

Fashion Trends


1) Watch the video and complete the senteces: 

1. Fashion defines personality, __________ , what you are.

2. It reflects the __________________ of the age that people live in.

3. Fashion is affected by the interaction between customers, what the _________ says and social networks.

2) Answer the questions:

1. Where does fashion originate?

2. What do coolhunters observe?

3. How are the very first people to adopt a new trend treated?

4. Why are trendsetters admired?

Review adjectives to describe clothes: