domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

The senses

How many senses do we have? Name them in English and translate them. 

Which sense do you find less useful? 

Do you think the sense of smell is connected with taste? 

Match the words to the right definition: 

  1. stinky                  a) insipid
  2. pleasure               b) small bodies chiefly in the skin of the tongue
  3. mood                   c) blocked or stopped up
  4. taste buds             d) nasty
  5. stuffy                   e) a person's emotional state
  6. flavourless           f) a feeling of delight   

Match each word with its correct definition.

  1. Smell
  2. Flavor
  3. Odor
  4. Receptors
  5. Brain
  6. Taste
  7. Volatiles
  8. Neurons
  9. Nose
  10. Food

A. The organ that processes sensory information, including smell and taste.
B. A substance that provides nourishment when consumed.
C. Sensory cells that detect stimuli such as smell or taste.
D. The sense that helps detect different scents in the environment.
E. Tiny molecules released by substances that contribute to scent.
F. The overall sensory experience of food, influenced by both taste and smell.
G. The organ responsible for detecting smells and aiding in breathing.
H. The basic perception of sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami.
I. The fundamental units of the nervous system that transmit information.
J. A particular scent or fragrance, pleasant or unpleasant.

Watch the video and check your answer:

What did you learn after watching the video?

Say wheter the sentences are true or false:

  1. A majority of respondents in a survey said they would give up their sense of smell.
  2. Our sense of smell is not important for experiencing flavor.
  3. Volatiles are tiny smell molecules given off by substances around us.
  4. Smell molecules are detected by taste buds on the tongue.
  5. Odor receptors on olfactory sensory neurons help detect smells.
  6. The brain associates emotions and feelings with certain smells.

Complete the following sentences using the five senses:

- The sound of __________________ makes me remember _______________

- The  _______ of ________________________________________________

- The ________ of _______________________________________________

- The ________ of _______________________________________________

- The _________of _______________________________________________


Create a senses poem with your class. 

For example:

Title ___________ (a feeling e.g. happiness) is ___________ (a colour)

It sounds like a ___________

It smells like a ___________

It tastes like a ___________

It looks like a ___________

It feels like a ___________

Create an video advert about your town. Focus on the sense to attract visitors:

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