martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

St. Valentine's Day

1) Writing a love poem
Roses are red;
Violets are blue;
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you!

The rules
Here are the rules for creating your own “Roses are Red” Valentine’s Day poem:
§  The second line has to rhyme with the fourth line
§  The first line should start ‘Roses are red’
§  The second should either follow the format noun-’is/are’-adjectiveor ‘And so is…noun
§  The third line should always follow the format noun-’is/are’-adjective
§  The last line should start with ‘And’ or ‘But’

2) Think of as many pairs of objects which normally go together. Make a long list of as many as you can. Then write your own version of this poem.

Without you
 I’m like a street with no name
 I’m like a ship without sea
 or a firework without flame.
Without you
I’m like a duck on dry land,
for whatever I do
you always understand!

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